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8170 Bargara,

QLD, 4670

1300 8 25327(CLEAR)


Office 365

Boost productivity with on-the-go access to business-class email, document sharing and online meetings with business and Microsoft® Office apps.

Get more customers and improve efficiency.

Backed by microsoft with 99.9% uptime.

Easy to setup so you can focus on your Buisness.


Why Office 365

Work Anywhere

One of the biggest advantages is the ability to work from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. Because it’s entirely Cloud-Based, you can access your email, files and office programs from any location in the world. If you have a plan that includes the desktop version it can be installed on up to 5 devices.

Working as a Team

If working in a team is a part of your company, you’ll appreciate the collaboration features. Everyone who needs to contribute to a document can do so and get (real-time changes)  rather than having multiple copies. 

You can also share direct access to your files, rather than sending them as attachments.

Subscription-Based Payment

Office 365 is a subscription-based service, meaning you pay a low monthly fee (Per User) rather than a large lump sum upfront. This can be helpful from a cash flow perspective. Plans are paid Month to Month, so you can suspend what you are not using to save cash-flow


Office 365 Service Plans

Get The Speeds You Want for the Price you Deserve

Fixed Wireless Internet